Be a Disciple

Learn more below.

James discipling others

What’s Discipleship?

Impart it.

Discipleship is pouring into someone the heart and soul of what God has already given them. It’s God revelations of what He planned for His creation. It is sharing the deep interpersonal you have with God with others. Teaching, showing and believing in a believer to become the man or woman of God that was intended for them, otherwise... believing in them.

Up for an adventure?

Discipleship is not for the faint in heart but for the courageous. It requires each of us to look deep inside of ourselves and compare what is there with what the Word of God tells us and make changes accordingly. Are you ready for this adventure in discipleship? I hope so!.

What does it mean to be disciple and why do we want to be one?.

To be a disciple means to be a pupil, be instructed or taught, to be in the same way. Our goal is to be like Jesus. As a disciple we follow Jesus’s way and strive to be like Him. Discipleship is about learning about God’s ways and developing a relationship with Him

What the Bible Says

Luk_14:27 And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

Image it like.

Think of it like when a baby goat is born – first few days mom produces colostrum, that has special contents that helps the baby get a healthy start “super milk”; without this super milk they get sick easier and have a hard time growing.

Grow Them.

With babies you have to feed them frequently; if they don’t get the right nutrients, they will get sick and not grow; be stunted; They need to eat more frequently than older kids or adults;

Growing It.

At first they can only eat milk, but as they get older they start eating grain or hay/grass; They prefer the sweeter grain but in order to grow they must eat not just the sweet grain but the pellets too; they need a balance diet – if left to themselves they will only eat sweeter stuff; this will cause them to get sick and not grow right.

As they get older, they will be able to start eating grass, leaves and hay and be able to digest it.

So let’s start this discipleship journey

Coming Soon - Discipleship Area of the website

Become a Discipleship Sponsor

Become a Discipleship Sponsor

Harvest Reach Intl. has partnered with SEAN International to collaborate and use thier teaching curriculum Abundant Life in India, Africa and the USA.  Abundant Life begins with a foundational series of Biblical curriculum that covers teaching the new believer how to live as a Christian. These teachings are followed by curriculum that shows the Life of Christ, Paul’s life, etc.. 

Vic and Priyanka of India were so excited to be able to get the Abundant Life new believers’ material that was already interpreted in Hindi.  We are meeting with them weekly via Zoom to go over the materials and they have already started to meet with some of their new believers on the lessons we have already covered.  In India we are currently able to get the Abundant Life material from a local SEAN International distributor for $3 per book plus shipping cost.

In Africa, Harvest Reach have become the official area distribution partner for SEAN Intl. This means they must reproduce the books themselves from digital copies to use with their Christians in their area.  James, in the Copperbelt region of Zambia, has been meeting with new believers on a one-to-one basis to teach the materials to them.

In order to accomplish this, we estimated that we will need 4 photocopiers to distribute among our various base locations in Southern Africa as well as paper and toner to take care of duplication needs.   The cost of each copier is approximately $1500 with an estimated supplies cost of $5 for each book we print as well as a small fee that we must pay SEAN International for the right to copy their material.

We will also be using this curriculum in America and the books for USA use run about $15 each, which most Americans can afford, however in our 3rd world countries, like India and Africa we will need sponsors for the books, please consider becoming a discipleship sponsor.  For just $25 a month you can provide 8 books for India or 5 books for Africa (NOTE: this is for the first book in the Abundant Life series for new believers, prices of other books in the series will vary). Please consider becoming a discipleship sponsor to provide discipleship materials in India and Africa.

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